One laugh
How did I know that wasn't I cave! Didn't I say that wasn't a cave! I could of sworn I said that wasn't A cave! Yeah, I did say that wasn't a cave! That was not a cave!
-Good work.
One laugh
How did I know that wasn't I cave! Didn't I say that wasn't a cave! I could of sworn I said that wasn't A cave! Yeah, I did say that wasn't a cave! That was not a cave!
-Good work.
Overall, the music was great and the animation was...fair [ but you could use a little work (and maybe some effort)].
Basically, the only flaw was it really didn't have a plot?
As a suggestion, maybe next time you a different font, and font color. (It didn't really fit the music or the story.)
-Good work.
Where did the guy get all those bottles?
Recycling, pshht
I've seen the first, loved it; and now seen the second...
-Well Done
-Well Done
(Make a sequel)
Thinking about making a sequal still. Thanks for the review :)
Keep trying buddy...
(Make a better story. Overall, the animation was fair, but there was not plot.)
thx. i was running out of time so I made it shorter
Poor Dog
Since it was so short, theirs really nothing to say...
-Well Done
Make longer...
Yeah, the movie was interesting, but somewhat annoying. I think you got carried away with the humor. The shooting got old near the end of the film. Plus, the voices got really annoying, really fast. But overall, the animation was pretty good (besides the back round), the sound was good (you get never get enough of south park), and the humor was good.
-Good work.
Your animation was horrible, but the laughs made up for it.
-Good work.
Joined on 7/8/05